Experiencias desde el Corazón

20 al 28 de agosto


  • The primary objective of the project is to enhance the emotional well-being of participants. This involves providing tools and techniques to manage emotions such as stress, anxiety, low self-esteem, and depression. By equipping individuals with these skills, we aim to build a solid foundation of emotional well-being, helping them navigate their emotions more effectively and achieve a greater sense of inner peace.

  • We also emphasize the importance of setting and achieving personal goals through effective techniques, improving work-life balance with strategies for time management and fulfillment. Promoting ethical and moral values is crucial for enhancing social cohesion and personal integrity. By raising awareness of social and emotional challenges, we aim to create better opportunities for youth development through innovative applications and initiatives.

  • Empowering youth workers with the skills and motivation to support young people’s psychological and motivational states is essential. We encourage personal growth initiatives as tools for developing transversal skills, well-being, and emotional intelligence. The project will deliver concrete outcomes, including personal development videos, an online mindfulness platform, and follow-up activities in participants’ home countries, ensuring a lasting impact on individuals and their communities.



Mónica y Alberto acompañan, acogen y sostienen un espacio de corazón para facilitar la confianza y la libertad de sobresalir.

El lugar

Ayu Maya - Hotel Rural Camero Viejo
Laguna de Cameros - La Rioja

13 habitaciones dobles

Comida vegetariana


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